The Netcenter's


Welcome to the Internet Help Files. This information is intended to give you a feel for the Internet and provide you with a few pointers about this exciting new medium so you can get started right away.

For your first experiences on the Internet, the important word to remember is patience. The Internet is a collection of many, many resources, scattered all over the network (and the world). Sometimes your access time may be several minutes. At certain times of the day, you may find, for example, a World Wide Web location somewhat slow. Others are very fast. This may be due to the nearness or remoteness of the computer serving you the document you have requested. Sometimes you are accessing a computer down the street from your location. Other times, you are accessing one on the other side of the planet.

It is also important to remeber that different types of information on the Internet require different tools to access them. For example, if you want to view a page on the World Wide Web (WWW), you need a browser (like Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mosaic to send or recieve email, you need an email package (like Eudora), and so on. You can find all the tools you'll likely need to work and play on the Internet at Ihelp's Home Web Site.

From here, you can jump to information that we've provided about the Internet. Just click on the topic in which you're interested.

Hyperlinks and Bookmarks
One Page History of the Internet
What are Addresses?
Usenet News
File Transfer
Searching the World Wide Web Via a Search Page
How to construct a Web Page
How to promote your Web Pages
Webmasters may post the iHelp Files
Ms. Manners and the Internet
Advanced Topics

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